The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Program Rental Assistance is a state-funded rental assistance program administered by Minnesota Housing. Minnesota Housing contracts with Family Rise Together to provide HTF services in St. Louis County. Through HTF, we provide temporary rental assistance as well as security deposits, application fees and other fees necessary to sustain housing or to prevent repeat episodes of homelessness. Rental assistance is provided in partnership with services to help participants achieve housing stability and transition to permanent sustainable housing opportunities.
Participants of HTF can be referred to us through the St. Louis County Continuum of Care (CoC) Coordinated Entry (CE) system (See How to Apply section below).
All HTF participants must be verified high-priority or long-term homeless. This means lacking a permanent place to live continuously for one year or more or at least four times in the past three years. You can be an individual, family, or unaccompanied minor experiencing long-term homelessness.
Your gross annual household Income must not exceed 60% of the Area Median Income ($37,998 for family of 1) adjusted for household size with priority to serve those at 30% AMI ($18,990 for family of 1). In St. Louis County, the AMI is $63,300. Refer to the 2023 HUD-issued income limit table for adjusted income limits.
The gateway to accessing HTF rental assistance in St. Louis County is the Coordinated Entry System (CES).
All households who are at risk of being unhoused or experiencing homelessness can call 2-1-1 to connect with someone who can refer you to us at Family Rise Together to apply for HTF Rental Assistance.
A household who is experiencing homelessness or in housing but able to maintain with some assistance are scheduled an appointment with a housing assessor. There are also walk-in assessments available in the Duluth area on Wednesdays from noon to 2 p.m. at the Damiano Center (206 W 4th Street, Duluth MN 55802).
We are able to provide temporary rental assistance, housing related expenses such as application fees and security deposits, and services to achieve housing stability and transition to permanent sustainable housing opportunities.
Along with HTF Rental Assistance, we can assist participants to locate and access housing. Our goals are to help you to maintain your housing, engage in services to maintain housing stability, and assist you to successfully transition after the temporary HTF rental assistance, including the creation of a transition plan and ongoing assessment.
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